Monday, January 4, 2010

A Dream

Give me a moment in time,
where I can be myself.
Do what I what to do,
Be what I want to be,
Go where I want to go,
See who I want to see.

Give me a heart,
That refuses to feel pain.
That only knows happy thoughts,
That only knows happy feelings,
That only knows happy songs,
That only knows happy dreams.

Give me a dream that will come true,
Come what may.
A dream I can call my own,
A dream I can call wonderful,
A dream that will help the world,
A dream that beats the odds,
A dream that gives hope.
Give me a dream that will come true.

Love's Plea

A haven of love and appreciation is what I found in you,
The passionate current which we shared, has passed between the elite few.
It was the best of times which I had ever experienced,
And I through my love would forever pay its allegiance.
I thought our love would weather the most violent storm,
I thought it was strong.
Yet the delicate threads that held it together began to break,
I guess I was wrong.

Maybe if I had done more, I would have saved the beautiful web,
Maybe if I'd not felt so hopeless, at the lowest ebb.
I missed the way it use to be,
The soaring bird that use to be me.
The wonderful feeling of being special,
knowing that it was destiny and not accidental.

The gift of friendship that we once shared,
The loving glance that you often spared.
Yet, I didn't believe that it would last,
and because I didn't believe, it was gone all too fast.

In my mind I begged for a second chance,
but I knew it would not be the same.
The ugly monster of distrust had plundered, ravaged and triumphantly made its claim.
Hate I knew had sprouted and flowered,
and ill will had sinisterly towered.
I felt threatened by these strong evils which were new,
And in all the confusion, I ached, missing you.

But if I had to do it all again, I'd try to do better,
and try my very best to play by the letter.
There is no instruction manual to this cruel game,
and the mistakes that each of us make, are all the same.
Even though words on paper are a coward's escape,
I'm sorry and I hope this apology is not too late.